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President and Chairman of the Board: Sal Gigante
Senior Vice President and Publicity Director: Peter Fratangelo Sr.
Senior Vice President and Correspondence Secretary: Joe Monteleone
Executive Vice President, Show Superintendant and Recording Secretary: John Thornton
Treasurer and Event Manager: Peter Fratangelo Jr.
Big Apple Show Secretary: Andrew Franze
Sergeant-at-Arms and Big Apple Foreman: Anthony Iocovello
Band Recorder: John Thornton

Al-Alaweyat, Hitham Cusack, Bill* Minasso, Mike
Alvarado, Bobby DeCarlo, John Jr. Monteleone, Joe
Beer, Lothar Franze, Andrew Panasyuk, Bogdan
Block, Phil Fratangelo, Peter Sr. Pointer, Ed
Cali, Paul Fratangelo, Peter Jr. Price, Jimmy
Cavallo, Angelo* Gigante, Sal* Ramic, Rulie
Concepcion, Tiny Heppner, John Reyes, Chris
Corrales, Bobby Iocovello, Anthony Tavarez, Andre
Corsini, Joe Kamerasevic, Mahir Thornton, Bob
Crispo, Mike Lee, Gary Thornton, John

* New York Combine Master Breeders

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