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Including the National Show Racing Pigeon Association’s 89th Annual Show

Saturday, November 20th, 2021
Eastern Greenwich Civic Center
90 Harding Road, Old Greenwich, CT 06870

Civic Center Entry
There will be an entry charge of $10 per adult man at the door. Woman and children enter for free. This fee is waived for those that submit an entry for pigeons. The fee is not waived for attendees that come to buy or sell birds, or to buy supplies, or otherwise attend.

For Sale Section
There will be two sections for sale of pigeons as in past years. One for show pigeons and one for Racing Homers. This year, rather than pay per cage, sellers will $2 per bird for sale as they enter the show hall. This should streamline things and make it better for everyone. Only birds entered in the show or paid for as sale birds will be permitted in the Civic Center. At the show, see the front desk to pay for and bring in your pigeons for sale as you pay the entry fee.

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