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All of us at the New York Combine are extremely proud of our Flights Around the World Program. Begun in 1984, it is one of the most highly successful programs ever undertaken by any pigeon breeders or hobbyists. For over two decades this program has attracted American Domestic Show Flight breeders the world over.

The Flights Around the World Program is a way for breeders outside the New York area to obtain information about the American Domestic Show Flight and to obtain good, reliable breeding stock. The Flights Around the World Program was created to expand the scope of breeders of this pigeon breed, both geographically outside the greater New York area, and to new breeders who may never have been exposed to this beautiful breed.

With the help of this program, there are now breeders of American Domestic Show Flights throughout the U.S. and around the world, and the New York Combine has several affiliate clubs: The Southern Domestic Flight Association, The Western Domestic Flight Association, The British Domestic Flight Association, and most recently, the Australian Domestic Flight Club. All of our affiliate clubs know that the New York Combine will always be behind them 100% to make them successful.

Over the last two decades we have seen some 900 American Domestic Show Flights shipped through this program to enthusiastic flight breeders everywhere. The incredibly large number of breeders that have participated, and the incredibly large number of birds that has been shipped is in part a testament to how successful this program has been for the New York Combine.

In the last or so alone, we have shipped about thirty American Domestic Show Flights through this program. Some New York Combine members have even shipped birds free of charge to assist New York Combine affiliates or new breeders. For example, President and Chairman of the Board Sal Gigante has shipped many birds to our affiliate clubs free of charge, Executive Vice President John Thornton has shipped birds free to the Western Domestic Flight Association, and Senior Vice President Pete Fratangelo Sr. has shipped birds free around the U.S.A. recently.
New York Combine affiliate clubs have also been shipping birds within the U.S. and around the world, building upon and helping to expand the New York Combine’s efforts.

Today, with the help of the Flights Around the World program, our beloved breed is enjoying success throughout the world, and the American Domestic Show Flight is recognized and enjoyed by as diverse a group of breeders and exhibitors as it ever has had. The Flights Around the World program has helped put the American Domestic Show Flight on Top of the World.

Since the program was started in 1984, the American Domestic Show Flight has been kept and breed in 48 states in the U.S., and around the world in at least Canada, Mexico, England, South Africa, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Poland, Bahrain, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Holland, Israel and Scotland.

This has all been made possible under the leadership of the New York Combine and with the help of the Combine membership and its affiliate clubs. This magnificent breed known as the American Domestic Show Flight has reached heights that were never dreamed of by our Show Flight Fore Fathers.

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