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Welcome to the New York Domestic Show Flight Combine

The New York Combine hopes and expects to get back to a full show season in Fall 2021. We hope everyone is doing well and breeding season 2021 is going great so far.

After having to cancel last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are excited to hold a better than ever 2021 BIG APPLE INVITATIONAL this year. The Show is the usual Saturday before Thanksgiving, November 20, 2021 at the Greenwich Civic Center. The Center is scheduled to be totally back to regular operating conditions, including full capacity and no special procedures after Labor Day. That gives plenty before the Big Apple Show to have everyone used to normal conditions. So please mark down the date in your calendars and plan on attending this great show. All of our usual vendors are scheduled to be at the show, including Foy’s Pigeon Supply, Charles Siegel Pigeon Supplies, Andrew’s United Pigeon Supply, Sid with his handcrafted wood items like perches and feeders, and perhaps some additional new vendors. Please check back as we get closer to the show for further information and entry forms here at www.newyorkcombine.com.

Also please check under the Show Calendar link at the left for further updates.

For Some Great Photos of Past Big Apple Invitationals, please click on the Big Apple Photos tab above, or visit the Big Apple Invitational page on flickr.com at http://www.flickr.com/photos/bigapplepigeons/. You can view these photos online with a free flickr.com account. If you don’t have a Flickr.com account, it is free and takes about 2 minutes to sign up or you can use your Facebook, Yahoo.com, or Gmail login to sign into flickr.com.

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